Why are speech to text conversion tools important?

Since most people speak faster than they write, speech recognition software provides a simple way to get words into a document without having to be delayed in the process. Speech to text technology increases workplace inclusion and helps everyone complete tasks more efficiently.

Tools for converting speech to text.

1. Speechnotes

Speechnotes user interface

Speechnotes user interface

Tutorial of how to convert speech to text using Speechnotes

2. Duplichecker 

Convert speech to text using duplichecker

Convert speech to text using duplichecker

Tutorial of how to convert speech to text using Duplichecker

3. Media.io

Convert speech to text using Media.io

Convert speech to text using Media.io

Tutorial of how to convert speech to text using Media.io

4. Notta 

Convert speech to text using Notta

Convert speech to text using Notta

5. BeeCut

Best free audio/ speech to text online conversion tools and software 2

Tutorial of how to convert speech to text using Beecut

6. SpeechTexter 

Convert speech to text using Speechtexter

Convert speech to text using Speechtexter

7. Dictation.io

Convert audio to text using dictation.io

Convert audio to text using dictation.io

Tutorial of how to convert speech to text using dictation.io